Pour plus d'informations sur l'effet des psychothérapies et l'identification des facteurs communs de guérison, voir :
- Luborsky et coll.,1975, "Comparative studies of psychotherapy : Is this true that everybody has won and all must have prizes ?", Archives of general psychiatry, 32, 995-1008.
- Bergin et Lambert, 1978, "The evaluation of psychotherapy outcomes", Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change, New york, Wiley.
- Gomes-Schwartz, Hadley et Strupp, 1978, "Individual psychotherapy and behavior therapy", Annual Review of Psychology, 29, 435-471.
- Franck, 1979, "The present status of outcome studies", Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 47, 310-316.
- Landman et Daces, 1982, "Psychotherapy outcomes : Smith and Glass conclusions stand up under scrutiny", American Psychologist, 37, 504-516.
- Garfield, 1983, "Special section : meta-analysis and psychotherapy", Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 51.
- Michelson, 1985, "Meta-analysis and clinical psychology", Clinical psychology review, 36.
- Lambert, Shapiro et Bergin, 1986, "The effectiveness of psychotherapy", Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (3rd Edition), New York, Wiley
- Stiles, Shapiro et Elliot, 1986, "Are all psychotherapies equivalent ?", American Psychologist, 41, 2, 165-180.
- Huber W., 1993, Les psychothérapies, quelle thérapie pour quel patient ?, Paris, Nathan Université.